Can dogs eat gushers? The Answer Might Suprise You

Can dogs eat gushers? The Answer Might Suprise You

The irresistible aroma of a freshly opened Gusher pack can send even the most well-behaved pup into a tailspin. Those vibrant, chewy treats seem like a harmless indulgence. Well, hold on a paw-sec! While sharing your snack might seem tempting, the truth is that...
How To Train My Dog To Ignore Strangers

How To Train My Dog To Ignore Strangers

How To Train My Dog To Ignore Strangers, is a thought that many dog owner’s have had once they realize their dog is easily excitable in public and social situations. Training your dog to ignore strangers is not only crucial for your peace of mind. But also...
Can Dogs Eat Oysters? What Pet Owners Must Know

Can Dogs Eat Oysters? What Pet Owners Must Know

Many people love oysters, but can our canine friends enjoy them too? Dogs are omnivores, so that they can digest and metabolize animal protein and plant carbohydrates. Being an omnivore means that they can technically eat oysters, but whether or not it is good for...
The Labrador Retriever: A New Owner’s Guide

The Labrador Retriever: A New Owner’s Guide

History and Introduction of the Labrador Retriever The Labrador Retriever is a very popular dog breed. They are friendly and energetic and are often used as guide dogs, search and rescue dogs, hunting dogs, police dogs, etc. Labrador Retrievers have a long history...
How Do I Get My Dog to Stop Chasing Runners

How Do I Get My Dog to Stop Chasing Runners

How do I get my dog to stop chasing runners? Have you ever been out walking your dog, and then a runner or jogger comes along? It gets quite frustrating or embarrassing if your dog starts running after them. I know I’d had to exchange a couple of apologies to...